Saxofón Latinoamericano

La investigación sobre el saxofón en el contexto de la creación musical contemporánea de América Latina ha sido una preocupación permanente del trabajo artístico y docente del Dr. Miguel Villafruela, con el propósito permanente de ampliar el repertorio para el instrumento e incentivar la motivación hacia la creación de obras para el saxofón de parte de los compositores latinoamericanos.

En ese sentido, esta publicación Saxofón Latinoamericano tiene entre otros objetivos, a difundir la creación de los compositores latinoamericanos para saxofón e informar todo lo relacionado con el repertorio para el instrumento, existente en esta región del mundo.

Esta página es la primera edición para Internet que aborda el tema del saxofón en América Latina y a la vez se convierte en la actualización y renovación constante de su libro El Saxofón en la Música Docta de América Latina.

Pablo Furman

CompositorPablo Furman (None )

Pablo Furman

Associate Director and Coordinator of the Composition Program

San José State University School of Music and Dance

Born in Argentina, Pablo Furman emigrated to the United States in 1976 and received a doctoral degree in composition at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has taught at UCLA, UC Berkeley, and was guest composer at Stanford University’s CCRMA and at the Djerassi Artist Foundation in Woodside, CA.

 Furman is the winner of a Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation composition award, a composition award from the Serge Koussevitzky Music Foundation in the Library of Congress, a California Arts Council award in composition, a President’s Special Recognition Award granted in 1996 by Dr. Robert Caret, then president of San José State University for “[Furman’s] exceptional achievements that advance the University’s mission...” and two fellowship awards from the California State University (1993 and 1995) for his work in composition. He has received commissions from the International Computer Music Association, the New Music Works ensemble, the Earplay ensemble, the Composers Conference & Chamber Music Center (Wellesley, MA), and the San José Chamber Orchestra as well as from renowned professional ensembles and performers Sherry Silar, John Sampen, Paticia Strange, Earplay Esnemble, San José Chamber Orchestra among others.

 His compositions have been performed by the Olsztyn Philharmonia Orchestra, Poland; the International Double Reed Society (Tampa, Florida), both occasions with oboist Sherry Sylar, Associate Principal Oboe of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra; San José Chamber Orchestra (several), Rogue Valley Symphony Orchestra; at conferences of SEAMUS (Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the US); at the Brandeis University New Music Festival (twice); Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina; International Computer Music Conference in Montreal, Canada, Thessaloniki, Greece, Hong Kong and Thailand; the Mid-American New Music Festival in Bowling Green, Ohio; the Foro Internacional de Música Nueva (Mexico City); the Festival International de Música Contemporanea (Guanajuato, Mexico); the 1993 Convention of the National Flute Association, and the Santa Cruz New Music Works series. His work Synergy, for amplified flute and electronics is featured on a CD produced by the Mexican Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, and Music for Alto Saxophone and Electronics is featured in a CD by saxophonist John Sampen on Capstone Records CPS-8636, “The Electric Saxophone.” His works are published by Theodor Presser Co., and J/P Publications and Subutio Music, Inc.

 Furman is Associate Director and Coordinator of The Composition Program at San José State University, San José, CA where he teaches composition, music theory, and electronic music.

Obras catalogadas del compositor Pablo Furman

Compositor Título de la Obra País
Furman, Pablo (None ) Music for alto saxophone and electronics (1993) Argentina