Saxofón Latinoamericano

La investigación sobre el saxofón en el contexto de la creación musical contemporánea de América Latina ha sido una preocupación permanente del trabajo artístico y docente del Dr. Miguel Villafruela, con el propósito permanente de ampliar el repertorio para el instrumento e incentivar la motivación hacia la creación de obras para el saxofón de parte de los compositores latinoamericanos.

En ese sentido, esta publicación Saxofón Latinoamericano tiene entre otros objetivos, a difundir la creación de los compositores latinoamericanos para saxofón e informar todo lo relacionado con el repertorio para el instrumento, existente en esta región del mundo.

Esta página es la primera edición para Internet que aborda el tema del saxofón en América Latina y a la vez se convierte en la actualización y renovación constante de su libro El Saxofón en la Música Docta de América Latina.

Emilio Terraza

CompositorEmilio Terraza (1929 )
BiografíaEmílio Terraza, Argentinean from Bahía Blanca, has lived in Brazil since 1959, became a Brazilian citizen, and received his musican training in piano, composition, and conducting, having studied in Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, and Paris. He has acted extensively in diverse fields. He conducted the Symphonic Orchestra of the University of Rio de Janeiro (1959-1964), Advisor for the Union of Musicians (1962-1968), he developed a curriculum structure and coordinated the course for training professors of the Villa-Lobos Institue in Rio de Janeiro (1966-1969), professor of music at the University of Brasília (1969-1972 and 1975-1993) organizer and coordinated of the Department of Arts at the University of Piauí (1973/1975). The Music Workshop, of his own making in the interest of musical approaches and discipline, is one of his activities that rouses interest in Brazil and internationally, and the cause of frequent invitations to give talks on the matter. His compositions receive the demonication of M(usic) instead of the traditional op. His musics have been presented at the 8th through 12th Rio de Janeiro Contemporary Music Biennials. Since 1968 he participated in practically all meetings of composers and seminaries on arts education, both national and international. He has also performed as a pianist, especially interpreting his own compositions. His catalogue of works has been edited by Itamarty (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). He retired from his teaching activities in 1993.

Obras catalogadas del compositor Emilio Terraza

Compositor Título de la Obra País
Terraza, Emilio (1929 ) Tango (1997) Brasil